A cerebrovascular accident (hereinafter referred to as CMP) is a serious life-threatening condition when the blood flow to the brain is interrupted due to the blockage or rupture of a blood vessel. It is a disease with a large socio-economic impact, but this impact could be mitigated by appropriate management of patient care.Life after CMP is an application for stroke patients that monitors their health (physical and psychological) after discharge from the hospital. The application was created as part of the AZV CARES project in 2022. Patients after CMP are introduced to the application before being discharged from the hospital and are asked to download and fill it out. During daily interaction with her, the application stores data about the patient. The patients mobility, mood, and overall involvement back in community life are monitored. At regular intervals, the patient is asked to fill in one of a total of five longer questionnaires. The saved answers are of great benefit when checking in the hospital three months after discharge to home care. The doctor does not need to find out information about all aspects of the patients life after CMP himself, but can see the results and their overall summary, including potentially critical parts, directly on the patients mobile phone. This significant saving of time allows the doctor to devote maximum attention to solving already specific patient problems, instead of tediously filling out questionnaires with the patient on the spot.Healthcare for stroke patients in the Czech Republic is top-notch. In 2017, the Registry of Stroke Care Quality (RES-Q) was created in cooperation with the European Stroke Organization, which currently has data on more than 570,000 patients from 2,037 hospitals in 90 countries. The ÚZIS also collects data on the quality of care provided, and one of the goals of the CARES project is to link the Life after CMP application with the RES-Q register and data from the ÚZIS to ensure the highest possible quality of health care. However, acute care, which is very well monitored, is only one part of CMP treatment. We miss the exact links between acute care and patient outcomes three months after CMP. For the purpose of filling these "gaps" in monitoring the quality of life of patients after such a serious disease as CMP, the Life after CMP application was created, and it should significantly contribute to improving the quality of life of patients after a cerebral infarction.The Život pro CMP application places great emphasis on the security of user data, so it transmits all data via an encrypted channel and stores as much de-identified data as possible in accordance with the GDPR. For security reasons, it is also not possible to load already saved data from the server even when switching to a new mobile phone.